Tickets for bus

Single ticket is for those who travel occasionally. If you are travelling regularly, it will soon pay off to buy a period ticket. There are period tickets for bus, period tickets for express boat, and period ticket that allows you unlimited travel by bus and express boat in the entire county of Møre and Romsdal.

First, find the number of zones on the zone map before checking the prices in the price tables.

Zones and zonemap

Single ticket for bus

The table below shows the standard prices for a single ticket. When purchasing a single ticket on board the bus, you must pay an on-board surcharge. The on-board surcharge is NOK 20 for adults and NOK 10 for students and individuals in military service. There is no on-board surcharge for children and seniors.

Pristabell ENG enkeltbillett buss 2025
Zone/Category Adult Child/Concessionary/ Initial military service Student
1 48 24 48
2 96 48 96
3 144 72 96
4 192 96 96
5 286 143 143
6 478 239 239
7 526 263 263
8 574 287 287
9 621 311 311

About the ticket

Traveling into or out of Møre and Romsdal county by bus 

For journeys into and out of Trøndelag county and journeys into and out of Vestland, see information under zones and zone map.

Carnet for bus

With a digital carnet you can buy 10 single tickets at once, and use the tickets whenever you need. You can buy carnets in the app and in the online store.

More information about the carnet.

Pristabell ENG klippekort buss 2025
Zone/Category Adult Child/Concessionary Student
1 480 240 480
2 960 480 960
3 1440 720 960
4 1920 960 960
5 2860 1430 1430
6 4780 2390 2390
7 5260 2630 2630
8 5740 2870 2870
9 6210 3110 3110

About the ticket

Period ticket for bus

A period ticket for bus is a zone-based ticket that is valid for an unlimited number of trips in the period that the ticket has been purchased for, for the zone or zones that the ticket applies to.

Prices for period ticket 30 days

Pristabell ENG 30 dagar periodebillett buss 2025
Zones/Category Adult Child 6 - 17 years / Concessionary / Student
1 847 508
2 1172 703
3 or more 2032 1219

Prices for period ticket 7 days

Pristabell ENG 7 dagar periodebillett buss 2025
Zones/Category Adult Child 6 - 17 years / Concessionary
1 279 168
2 387 232
3 or more 669 401

Prices for period ticket 24 hours

Pristabell ENG 24 timar periodebillett buss 2025
Zones/Category Adult Child 6 - 17 years / Concessionary
1 170 102
2 235 141
3 or more 406 244

County-wide period ticket

A county-wide period ticket is a good option if you travel regularly over larger distances in Møre and Romsdal county using both bus and express boat.

FRAM offers four types of county-wide period tickets: FRAM Ung (FRAM Young), FRAM Student, FRAM Vaksen (FRAM Adult) and FRAM Honnør (FRAM Concessionary).


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