Transit ticket
When you use public transport in Møre and Romsdal, you should whenever possible be able to buy one ticket for your whole journey, even if you will switch buses during your trip. This means that you pay for the whole trip beforehand or on the first bus you use. This is called a transit ticket.
Find out how to purchase a ticket.
Currently, it is not possible to buy a continuost ticket for multiple modes of transport if you are purchasing a single journey. For example, if you plan to use both a bus and a fast ferry on the same trip, you will need to buy a separate ticket for the bus and a separate ticket for the ferry.
You can transfer to other means of transportation (transfer) within the zones the ticket is valid for, as long as there is time left on it when you board the means of transportation. If the time on the ticket has expired before you are on board, you need to buy a new ticket in order to travel further.
When you have a through ticket, you have a "free" transfer, meaning you do not have to buy a ticket for each means of transportation. You can also use this ticket to continue traveling within the last zone specified on the ticket, as long as the time on the ticket has not expired.
Example: If you bought a ticket from Ålesund to Molde, you can continue traveling with the city buses in Molde on the same ticket.
The ticket is not valid for the return trip on a trip that is longer than one zone, even if the validity period of the ticket has not expired.
Separate rules for express boat line 800 between Kristiansund and Trondheim
The transfer rules of FRAM do not apply on board express boat line 800 between Trondheim and Kristiansund. This express boat line is part of the public transportation offered by AtB in Trøndelag county. Here is the website link for AtB.