Kviltorpvegen will reopen 1 May and bus line 701 will resume its regular route

Kviltorpvegen will reopen for through traffic starting from Wednesday, 1 May. This means that bus line 701 will resume its regular route from this date.

Map with a red line that shows that bus line 701 will drive through Kviltorpvegen and continue on to Frænavegen. - Click for large imageFrom May 1, bus line 701 will follow the red line on the map.

Since last November, line 701 has been taking an alternative route via Enenvegen–Nøisomhedsvegen–Jupitervegen due to roadwork on Kviltorpvegen.

Now that 701 will once again pass through Kviltorpvegen, it will also serve the Øvre Berg bus stop. Additionally, buses will resume stopping at Lager Berg, which was not served during the construction period.

Travelers can find updated route information in the FRAM app or on frammr.no.