Employees, patients and visitors will need an accessible public transport service on the distances Molde-Hjelset and Kristiansund-Hjelset.
Your feedback is important
When we are going to make major changes to the transport service, we would like to have your input so that we can reach as many people as possible with the changes.
Bird's eye view and tunnel vision at the same time
Working with public transport requires both a bird's eye view and tunnel vision at the same time. The biggest challenge is to meet the one's individual needs in interaction with a larger whole. FRAM's task is to see the individual need, while at the same time we must have a greater overview and provide a public transport service within our given financial framework.
Advantage for one often leads to disadvantages for others
If you have your own wishes to change the departure times, other divisions of the zones and what route the bus should run, this almost always leads to negative consequences for others. As a basis for the decisions, we use, among other things, travel statistics from historical data and the potential to get more people to travel by public transport. Furthermore, when this mapping has been done, the task is to weigh disadvantages and advantages against each other.
What do we want input on?
- Haldeplassar som må bli betre
- Rutetrasé og rutetider
- Parkeringsmoglegheiter og innfartsparkering
- Sykkelparkering
- Snarvegar som bør bli betre
- Feil og manglar i kartet
- Andre innspel
- Stops that need to be improved
- Route and timetables
- Parking options and commuter parking
- Bike parking
- Shortcuts that should get better
- Errors and deficiencies in the map
- Other input
Here you will find a citizen dialogue with a map where you can give your input.
Close cooperation
FRAM works closely with Helse Møre og Romsdal HF to adapt the offer as best as possible to the working time arrangements/shift plans.
The public transport service
The lines that will run to and from the hospital:
In addition to the lines:
There will be more frequent departures at the times when employees are going to work, and returning home from work.
Use the travel planner
You can easily find the schedule times for the public transport service in the travel planner at frammr.no and in the FRAM app.
Travel planner
FRAM app